
Leek posted @ 2010年5月27日 00:44 in 【算法学习】 with tags Coding 数据结构 , 2101 阅读

 关于平衡二叉树只会AVL和傻X树:(   由于AVL各方面都不如SBT  所以只整理SBT算了。

        但是杯具的是把以前整理写的代码等Ctrl+A Shift+Delete了...




*                 SBT.h
*		Describe: SBT平衡二叉树
*       Created: 2010-5-26
*       CopyRight  2010,Leek

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

typedef int Type;

//	SBT存储结构
class SBTNode
	SBTNode *child[2];
	SBTNode *parent;
	Type key;
	int size;
	SBTNode (Type key,int size);

typedef SBTNode *SBTree;

enum {Left,Right=1};

SBTNode::SBTNode (Type key,int size)
	this->key = key;
	this->size = size;
	child[Left] = child[Right] = parent = NULL;

void SBT_Rotate (SBTree &root, bool num)
	//num == Left 右旋num == Right左旋
	SBTNode *tmp = root->child[!num];
	tmp->parent = root->parent;
	if (tmp->child[num] != NULL)
		tmp->child[num]->parent = root;
	root->child[!num] = tmp->child[num];
	tmp->child[num] = root;

	tmp->size = root->size;
	root->size = root->child[Left]->size + root->child[Right]->size + Right;
	root = tmp;

void SBT_Maintain (SBTree &root, bool num)
	if (root->child[num]->child[num]->size > root->child[!num]->size)
		SBT_Rotate (root, !num);

void SBT_Insert (SBTree &root, SBTNode *x)
	if (root == NULL)
		root = x;
		x->parent = root;
		SBT_Insert (root->child[x->key > root->key], x);
		SBT_Maintain (root, x->key > root->key);

SBTNode *SBT_Search (SBTree &root,Type key)
	return root == NULL || root->key == key? root: SBT_Search (root->child[key > root->key], key);

SBTNode *SBT_Delete (SBTree &root, Type key)
	if (root == NULL)
		return NULL;
	if (root->key == key || root->child[key > root->key] == NULL)
		SBTNode *tmp;
		if (root->child[Left] == NULL || root->child[Right] ==NULL)
			tmp = root;
			root = root->child[root->child[Left] == NULL];
			if (root != NULL)
				root->parent = tmp->parent;
			tmp = SBT_Delete (root->child[Right], key - Right);
			root->key = tmp->key;
		return tmp;
		return SBT_Delete (root->child[key > root->key], key);

SBTNode *SBT_Pred(SBTree root, Type key)
    if (root == NULL)
		return NULL;
    if(key <= root->key)
		return SBT_Pred(root->child[Left],key);
        SBTNode *tmp=SBT_Pred(root->child[Right],key);
        return tmp != NULL?tmp:root;

SBTNode *SBT_Succ (SBTree &root,Type key)
	if (root == NULL)
		return NULL;
	if (key >= root->key)
		return SBT_Succ(root->child[Right],key);
	SBTNode *tmp = SBT_Succ(root->child[Left], key);
	return tmp != NULL? tmp:root;

SBTNode *SBT_Select(SBTree root, int i)
    int r = root->child[Left]->size+Right;
    if (i == r)
		return root;
		return SBT_Select(root->child[i>r],i>r?i-r:i);

int SBT_Rank(SBTree root, Type key)
    if (root == NULL)
		return Left;
    if (root->key == key)
		return root->child[Left]->size+Right;
		if(key < root->key) 
			return SBT_Rank(root->child[Left],key);
        int r = SBT_Rank(root->child[Right],key);
        return r == Left? Left: r + root->child[Left]->size + Right;





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